Monday, May 14, 2012



at the end of the day; after all patients have been seen, 
the rooms briskly cleaned,

all chairs emptied and our lobby is is quiet and tidy, 
we think of all that has transpired in a few hours,


we remember certain faces,


who made us SMILE!

(Thank you for your fine freckled face 
and great choice of headgear from our treasure box!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's what fun is... at the dentist???

To show our appreciation for our patients, we would like to add some additional FUN to your summer. Dr. Cory Evans and his staff would LOVE to give you a seasons pass to Lagoon when you refer a friend to our office! Please contact us at (801) 278-9911 for more details and start ENJOYING your summer! 

For more information on Lagoon's season passes, click here.