Sunday, March 31, 2013

... a dental student.

Post 2: March 31, 2013

It is finally starting to feel like my classmates and I are in dental school. We have made it through the bulk of our D1 year didactic courses and have started the operative portion of our studies this week. Our operative course has taken us out of the classroom and into the sim lab. The sim lab is where dental students get the feel for their handpieces while working on mannequins. In recent weeks, I have learned how to place rubber dams, and create preparations for fillings. Working on the mannequin’s upper teeth was really difficult for me at first (because everything is upside down and backwards with a mirror) but I am slowly getting the hang of it. In addition to my operative class, we started pharmacology this week. I have always found drug mechanisms really interesting so I have enjoyed the class so far. Here are some recent pictures from my experiences in the sim clinic. If you’re interested in seeing more, follow me on Instagram!
Thanks for reading! As always, if you have comments, concerns, complaints, etc. please send them my way:

Placing my first rubber dam. I instantly respect Dr. Evans for being able to places these so quickly - they're really difficult!
My first series of class II slot preparations
Here is a little taste of "indirect vision" or working in a mirror - see what I mean about being backwards?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fluoride Varnish

A month ago our office switched fluoride from the rinse for adults and trays for kids to...
Fluoride Varnish!
We are loving using varnish because our patients LOVE IT!
It is great for both kids and adults!!

Fluoride Varnish is a highly concentrated form of fluoride that is applied to the tooth surface with a little brush.  The varnish adheres to the tooth surface for several hours and is more effective in preventing decay or treating hypersensitivity because of its adherent properties.  

Anyone in our office can brush it on the teeth and the presence of saliva allows it to dry rapidly and set.  After application, you let it sit there until night time and then brush your teeth to remove the varnish.

Varnish is available in different flavors which is great for all ages. 
Our patients love the caramel flavor.
It doesn't have the bitter taste of the fluoride rinse or trays.
Best of all the varnish does not cause nausea like the rinse and trays did!
Our patients are loving the varnish especially if they have a gag reflex.
Varnish does have a sticky consistency helping it to adhere to the tooth's surface.  This allows the fluoride to stay more in contact with the tooth, but the sticky feeling goes away within 5-10 minutes.

Switching to Fluoride Varnish has been a hit in our office due to its efficacy, ease of use (even on our 2 yr old patients whom it was difficult to do fluoride for before), and patients love how it doesn't cause nausea!